
Banner image: Étienne Lecroart, Möbius ring comic

Chris Andrews

Western Sydney University

Paper on "Roberto Bolaño's Overinterpreters" (Writing and Society Research Centre, Western Sydney University)

Christelle Reggiani

Christelle Reggiani

Université de Paris IV – Sorbonne

Christelle Reggiani interviewed on France Culture about editing the works of Georges Perec for the Bibliothèque de la Pléaide (in French)


Christophe Reig

Université de Perpignan Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle UMR 7172 - THALIM

Christophe Reig interviewed on France Culture about the work of Emmanuel Carrère (in French)


Hermes Salceda

Universidad de Vigo

Trailer for the documentary film Raymond Roussel: Le Jour de Gloire (The Day of Glory), directed by Joan Bofill, featuring Hermes Salceda